Slumdog Millionaire
Find and analyse and explain how the film was marketed in terms of trailers, posters, billboards, media interviews. When were they released and how?As they developed their marketing launch plan Pathé focused on digital marketing as an effective and highly accountable route to build awareness of the film with the public. They appointed digital media agency Tug to work with them to raise awareness of the film in the UK while also targeting niche audiences such as Indian movie goers and Danny Boyle enthusiasts. To support their above the line advertising Pathé developed a suite of online marketing collateral. These included a viral application, a widget and a trailer focused micro site for Tug to work with.
They put banners on Google so when clicked on, a trailer was played.
Another audiences and institutions post, probably a good idea to delete the r and p labels unless you want to misdirect the moderator :)